A Tardy (not late) Introduction

(Tardy means tardy, while late can mean either tardy or dead, so...)

Much to your disappointment I am sure, today is not going to be all that deep and philosophy and snobby. (Sorry, me of the past. You were kinda snobby. Probably still are.) 
I recently realized that, unless you actually know me, you probably have no idea who this Thea person is. Here's the solution to this pressing issue- My fans must have their rabid curiosity appeased. Ergo, we shall begin with my name.

Thea FitzEmma is not my real title. Gasp. Whoa. AWESTRUCK SILENCE- but not really. Its not that big of a deal. And you most likely already knew that.

The reason I have a pseudonym isn't because there are creeps on the internet; nor to feel uber-cool, as the phrase "I'm feeling uber-cool," in fact, instantaneously makes one anti- whatever uber-cool is trying to mean. Thea FitzEmma came out of a nickname, pure and simple.

What else?

  • I fell in love with Jesus when He saved me from myself. That's the most important point in this list; the rest is just bells and whistles.
  • I like LOVE soccer. My team is great, I love them. Also, chasing after a ball without using your hands is one of the more cultured enjoyments life has to offer. Comment-war-starter: SOCCER'S SUPERIOR TO VOLLEYBALL IN EVERY WAY IMAGINABLE. Sorry Buffy.
  • I am one of the many lovely weirdos who comprise Silent Lights Discipleship Ministry, aka Mime, and proud of it. Honestly, you guys are the best friends ever, like family.
  • I'm home schooled. Surprise, surprise.
  • My sister's blog is way more popular than mine, which you already know, because you are the crumbs she's deigned to cast from her royal platter to the floor, i.e. my table. No offense, seriously. I appreciate all the crumbs I can get, as long as they're gluten free, which brings me to:
  • I am allergic to a million and one different foods, such as Oreos and Subway and don't even mention McDonald's- I'll die. Your sympathy is much appreciated because it provides much grim hilarity as I know every poisonous ingredient in that bowl of chips your'e eating. Again, apologies to the large percentage of my friends who have heard "Eww, you do NOT want to know what's in that," and then my description of what exactly you did not want to know.
  • I like lifting weights. Sounds weird, I know, but its FUN. Just don't mind my "humongous Genghis Khan arms," as one of my dear friends puts it. 
  • Spotify trumps Pandora. Every time. 
  • I have traveled a lot, and have grown to appreciate the concept of home because of it.
  • Words are collectible. I have dozens of notebooks full of the ones that I love. Ask me about them sometime.
  • I love languages. Speak German? Latin? Normal people-ese? I need some help translating that last one... :)
Loved talking at you. Maybe you learned something. Maybe not, no pressure.
God Bless, 

Almost Thea

Study Music Songs

Everloving by Moby
Recurring by Bonobo
At the End of the Day by Amos Tobin
In Church- Cyann & Ben Version by M83
Intro by the Xx


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