
Showing posts from 2016

Quick note...

In case you haven't heard me whining about it on Snapchat, I'm sick. And therefore drugged up on cough meds, herbal teas, and that surreal, vaguely painful headache that comes with colds and fevers.   It's been a very odd day. After having spent about eighty percent of my waking time watching our newly re-acquired Netflix, I sit down with this computer and write in the sunlit brickroom with comfy couches. It just seemed sort of perfect- well not perfect, but the kind of perfect that happens in an imperfect world. My eyes sting, but I'm listening to good, haunting music through my favorite (and only) earbuds, the red ones. It's thanksgiving break and I've recently broken through a serious writer's drought (it wasn't a block so much as a dryness.) There's a sticky-sweet scent of flowers on the air. My hair is wet, half tangled already, and comfortable. A lot of pressure in school is off. My toes aren't cold. There are a lot of things to be thankf...

12 Minutes of Thoughts.

12 minutes to write. I don't exactly know what I want to say, but there's a big world out there.  11 minutes now, and I am a bit stressed because life and movement and growth take an inexplicably huge amount of energy and focus, and the world is spinning faster and faster and we'll never keep up, etc.  10 minutes. Edited some. Writing more. Listening to music. But back to the centrifuge that is our world, spitting the weak out into the unknown, those that couldn't hold on, keep up. 9 minutes. But it's cool, because we've got a safety net/reality check. 8 minutes. It's Him, of course, you knew this would be the answer. When is He ever not? Breathe, Anthea.  7 minutes. Whew. Breathe. Listen to the music. Breathe. 6 minutes. I want to write song. Honest, sincere, living songs, whose notes soar through your headphones like so many birds. 5 minutes. The beats like so many earthquakes, shaking your heart to its core. Someone said (paraphrasing here) ...


Listening to Twenty One Pilots (hereafter TOP, because... acronyms!) I'd like to think they're different from all my other obsessions, mainly because they have a whole lot of staying power- the other ones kind of blow up, then fade. Listen to the songs, love the writers for it. They're hard not to love for what they do, who they show themselves to be. But obsession is almost besides the point.  Because, obsession, as I'm starting to realize, isn't love. Maybe you all have figured this out by now. Cool. Skip today's post.  ...or not. Glad you stayed.  On paper, it makes sense; sure, obsession isn't love. They pair fairly easily, but not very well. If I'm obsessed with my family, that's unhealthy. Loving them, however, is fine. Better. But when it comes to fangirl phases, the two terms become interchangeable. I love/am obsessed with/other profession of attraction to such and such band, artist, writer, etc.  So far, this is only an evaluation ...

How to Survive the Stupid Idiot Apocalypse

So this is a post about the upcoming election, as you could tell from the title. Kidding. (God, please help us.)  So my sister recently got called both "stupid" and an "idiot" during a friendly discussion (on her end). Evolution vs Creationism, I think. Something trivial.  Regardless, when I found out, I was furious. Who would dare? My sister? Stupid? Pff. She's been cleverer than us for years. I imagined challenging this kid to a duel, with the glove across the face and everything. It'd be red and black. It'd be epic. And my sister would be respected forevermore.  Anyways, she was frustrated. (Understandably.) So I'm writing a guide to Surviving the Stupid Idiot Apocalypse- AKA How to Defend Your Position in Debate. This will come up, no matter who you are. This are general guidelines I try to follow,  and as anyone who knows me can tell you, I debate a lot. :)  1) Know what you believe. Especially what pertains to whatever yo...

Greetings from School

Hello You! You're looking pretty nice today, not just because you showered within the last year. No, you, my friend, you beautiful, imperfect creature, are lovely because He loves you. Quick reminder :) Here I am, at college. Gasp . Yes. College.  I'm guessing 99.9% of you already knew that. (There are a lot of fake surprises here on Scratch That, as evidenced by the italicized sudden inhalations.) Anyways, here I am, at college, living life. It's busy. I haven't posted in a while.  But here I am, saying nothing in particular. Sure, normally, I'd have something pseudo-profound and theological, but not right now. So, hello. How are you? 

Trust Issues

Hello readers, those loyal among you who haven't given up on me, (or have but just happened to check back thanks to some notification on Google+) Hi. It's me. It's been, what, seven months since we saw each other last? A lot has happened in my life, as probably has in yours. There are numerous excuses I could give for not writing, but , I'd like to think you expect more maturity from me than that by now. Allow me now to disprove you're kind-hearted expectations: fanfare, por favor, as I list my excuses in no particular order. 1. I don't try 2. School 3. Good books and writing 4. Family and friends 5. Sleep 6. Life 7. Refer to numbers 1 - 6 ... but mostly 6. Can anyone identify with me here? It's not that I don't care about you, I really do, but then... life. It just happens.  And I wish I could say, Oh, yeah, I went through all this Bible Study stuff and did this Internet fast ( it's a thing, my friends) for seven months and every day...