Changing Again
Ollo! Merry Christmas! JESUS IS BORN! ...even though some scholars say He was probably born in the spring sometime. BOO, PARTY POOPER SCHOLARS!!! Fun loving and chill scholars, your'e good. We're celebrating. (Sorry party pooper scholars. Merry Christmas- ba dum bum tss) My philosophy is, if the exact birthday of the Hero of the World got lost, what's wrong with still celebrating? What's worse, picking a most likely wrong day and still honoring the Christ, or abstaining altogether? Am I the only one who, upon hearing the word Scholar , thinks of a pale, dusty, and bespectacled guy with his nose glued to dusty books (no, I did not mess up my noun numbers, I meant numerous books glued to one nose:), a candle flickering in the foregr ound? Just me? Okay. Anyways, things are constantly changing in my life. (Constantly changing: does that mean that if things stayed the same for a change, it wouldn't be staying the same? Smart people: work it out for the re...