
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Best Week... Month... Life of my Life

It's the middle of summer. For me, this means a plethora of camps on which I always spend my yearly adrenaline stores. Last night, I returned home (half asleep, might I add; apparently the three mugs of coffee this anti-caffeine crusader consumed had little effect) from a month long- ahem, a week long - spiritual high. The camp had good worship, there were tears, and sleep was a distant memory. Sounds great, right? Except... how can I put this? Ah, yes: NO.  What actually occurred pushed the bounds of my reality. Calling the past week a spiritual high would be like calling the unfathomable processes of the human mind a confusing mess of misguided electrons. Gross. This week, God worked in each person intimately and lovingly, including in me. I cannot begin to describe the beauty of forty-something souls raising their voices to praise their Savior, or the way bittersweet tears can create bonds between believers or take place of audible words in a desperate pra...
Hello, World.  This is my very first Scratch That post, so in it I'm explaining the name of this site and giving you a frame of reference for further posts. It's like this: Nobody stays the same. You have changed since you were a baby, and since yesterday. I know I have. Some of these differences I like, such as being able to talk now, but others I don't care for quite as much, such as the growing evidence attesting that I am frightfully imperfect. I'm sure, if we're honest, you can relate. As you and I change, fail, get confused, and grow, our lenses of perception shift. We learn that our views can change as well. I find myself changing my stance on a subject every once in a while, and it shakes my oh-so-comfortable world. I must then return to that subject and say, "Um, scratch that." Hence, the christening of this blog.  This presents a problem. If I and all of humanity are flawed, which, hello, we are, what happens? Is Truth with a capita...