Cliche Thankful List
Hey, everyone. Thanksgiving is almost here (yay!) and I have gone and pulled a cliche on you: the Thankful list. Forgive me, I meant/ mean no harm. I am thankful for my family, for me, for my cow... - Mushu Thanksgiving But really (the whole but seriously thing wasn't working): I am thankful for my Savior, my family, my friends (!), a very good church home, our neighbors, provision-ish stuff (food, clothes, roof, transport, mail services, etc.), a relatively peaceful place to live, pretty great health, our pets, music, internet (!), the list could go on and on. And does. A few points/amendments (because... that's how Scratch That tends to work): One, the listed blessings are lovely and I appreciate them. But I don't really need some of these. Plenty of people live without great health, and there are tons of nations on earth whose citizens must face danger constantly. Is this something I hope for myself or anyone else? Of course not! B...